Frequenty asked questions

  1. What software do I need to take full advantage of KIT?
    Almost all features of the title web site require a modern web browser with JavaScript and cookies enabled.
    Here is a list of tested browsers grouped by desktop operating systems:
    • Mozilla Firefox 4+
    • Chrome 10+
    • Internet Explorer 7+
    • Safari 3+
  2. What were the different languages used to develop KIT?
    • Design: HTML and CSS.
    • Dynamic Allocation: jQuery, JavaScript, and AJAX.
    • Database: MySQL.
    • Query connectivity: PHP.
  3. How does title function?
    Upon entering the search page the User will be given with an option of selection their desired dataset. Upon selecting the dataset the drop-down menu to its right will refresh with the list of genes present in this respective dataset. Choose the desired gene and hit search. You will then be given a tabbed tabled with the Cell Clustering of the dataset and the Differential Expressed Gene result of the Selected Gene.