Kidney Interactive Transcriptomics
This tool allows users to query gene expression from mouse or human kidney and human kidney organoid single cell datasets.
Libraries were created with either cells or nuclei as indicated, and with either the InDrop, DropSeq, sci-RNA-seq or 10X Chromium platforms.
For details of each dataset in KIT, please read the original paper or visit the RBK website (
1. Healthy Adult Kidney - Epithilia: Wu and Malone et al, JASN 2018.
2. Human Rejecting Kidney Allograft Biopsy: Wu and Malone et al, JASN 2018; and RBK RID: W-RA1C.
3. Healthy Adult Kidney - Complete: Wu and Uchimura et al, Cell Stem Cell 2018; and RBK RID: 14-4KPM.
4. Mouse UUO (d14): Wu et al, JASN 2019; and RBK RID: 14-4KBE.
5. Healthy Mouse Dataset: Wu et al, JASN 2019; and RBK RID: 14-4KBC.
6. Takasato's Kidney Organoid (d26): Wu and Uchimura et al, Cell Stem Cell 2018.
7. Morizane's Kidney Organoid (d26): Wu and Uchimura et al, Cell Stem Cell 2018.
8. Human Fetal Kidney (17w): Lindström et al, Developmental Cell 2018.
9. Kidney Organoid (Phipson et al 2019): Phipson et al, Nature Methods 2019.
10. Human Diabetic Kidney: Wilson et al, PNAS 2019. (*Note: The CFH+ cluster was renamed to parietal epithelial cells)
11. Mouse IRI Kidney (Sham, 4hrs, 12hrs, 2days, 14days,and 6weeks): Kirita et al, PNAS 2020.
12. Mouse Lung snRNA-seq versus scRNA-seq: Koenitzer et al, Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol 2020.
13. Human Kidney snRNA/ATAC-seq: Muto and Wilson et al, Nat Commun 2021.
14. Spatial Transcriptomics of Female Mouse IRI Kidney: Dixon et al JASN 2021.
15. 1 million cell atlas of mouse DKD and its treatments: Wu et al, Cell Metab 2022.
16. Human ADPKD snRNA + scATAC-seq: Muto et al, Nat Commun 2022.
17. Human DKD snRNA + scATAC-seq: Wilson and Muto et al. Nat Commun 2022.
18. Mouse kidney uni-IRI and UUO time courses profiled with sci-RNA-seq3: Li et al, Cell Metab 2022.
19. Multiome on Ki67 INTACT mouse kidney (McMahon lab): Gerhardt et al, JASN 2023.
20. Multiome profiling of human kidney anatomical regions with SHARE-seq: Li et al, Cell Metab 2024.
21. Mouse IRI scATAC-seq (Sham, 4hrs, 12hrs, 2days, 14days,and 6weeks): Muto et al, Sci Adv. 2024.
22. Mouse PKD multiome (P66, P100, and P130): Muto et al, PNAS 2024.
23. Mouse kidney multimodal spatial analysis: Xuanyuan et al, in submission.